Been a bit slack on here lately because our main audience (our AMAZING PARENTS) have engaged mostly on our Class Dojo, so a lot of our classroom updates are there!!!! So I’ll just upload a ton a pics to show you some of the AWESOME things we’ve been up to in R17!!!! It’s TERM 2 now and we’ve been super busy!!!!

Check us out!!!! KIDSCAN teamed up with the NRL WARRIORS to donate these top notch rain jackets!!!! Aren’t we lucky?! Everyone at Wellsford school got one EACH!!!!!

We had a GRANDE OPENING of the  BMX BIKE track that was kindly funded to our school! So we were allowed to bring our wheels to school and we got free sausage sizzles YUM!!!!

We’ve been learning about healthy foods for topic this term. Here is a trial of the 1st smoothies we made in class! Not bad, but some thought it was a bit bitter. Ingredients were feijoas, bananas, & yogurt!

But! We got so good we became MASTERCHEFS!!!!! This is our 2nd trial of smoothies, and they were GREAT!!!!!

We had a MASTERCHEF challenge with the other classes in team 2 and narrowly came second to a coconut trifle! Next time R17, will try again at the next challenge! A HUGE THANKS to the parents who put in an extremely fab effort with our breaky! The judges said they wanted to finish off the meal! Judges comments were “YUM”, and “you’re not getting any of mine”, and “My mouth just went to Mexico”! With comments like that I think we did a FAB JOB!!!!

We have a new boy who just started in our class, and he has done so well to fit right into our classroom life!!! WELCOME TO WFD SCHOOL!!!

Last but not least, cross country is just around the corner so we’ve been training super hard! Check out the pics! Until next time, SURFS UP IN R17!!!!!